Who Owns the Moon? Ebook Info-bulle Pour la défense des intérêts communs de l’humanité dans l’espace


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  • livre numérique
  • 9780861547265
  • 07 mars 2024
  • Adobe ePub
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As the world's superpowers and corporations jostle for control in space, A. C. Grayling asks: who really owns our planet?

'Grayling brings satisfying order to daunting subjects.' STEVEN PINKER

Silicon for microchips; manganese for batteries; titanium for missiles.

The moon contains a wealth of natural resources. So, as the Earth’s supplies have begun to dwindle, it is no surprise that the world’s superpowers and wealthiest corporations have turned their eyes to the stars. As this new Space Race begins, A.C. Grayling asks: who, if anyone, owns the moon? Or Mars? Or other bodies in near space? And what do those superpowers and corporations owe to Planet Earth and its inhabitants as a whole?

From feudal common land, through the rules of the sea, to the vast, nationless expanse of Antarctica, Grayling explores the history of the places which no one, and therefore everyone, owns. Examining the many ways this so-called terra nullius has fallen victim to ‘the tragedy of the commons’ – the tendency for communal resources to be exploited by a few individuals for personal gain at the expense of everyone else – Who Owns the Moon? puts forward a compelling argument for a bold new global consensus, one which recognises and defends the rights of everyone who lives on this planet.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
07 mars 2024
Format ebook
Adobe ePub

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
A. C. Grayling
Editeur principal
Oneworld Publications

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